The Crossing's first revival began on Sunday, October 30th, with the church opening its doors that night to anyone willing to have their faith and zeal renewed and emblazoned by the Holy Spirit. From Sunday till Wednesday, November 2nd, services were held at 7:00 PM with that fervent purpose and desire. The speaker eac night was Murrill Boitnott, founder of Macedonian Call Ministries. Boitnott based his evangelistic organization on the call the Apostle Paul received in Acts 16:9 :
"During the night a vision appeared to Paul: a Macedonian man was standing and pleading with him, 'Cross over to Macedonia and help us!'" With this verse in mind, MCM has allowed numerous believers to take short missions trips across the globe in the hope of winning the lost to the Lord Jesus Christ. The same passion that has driven Boitnett is needed in our own church and community, and for anyone desiring to depart from the ordinary and truly seek a closer walk with God, leaving behind all the distractions, come to the Crossing and hear what the Lord can do through you. With the revival still fresh in our minds more than ever our mission is to bring ourselves and all who are willing to a closer walk with, and devotion to, the Lord Jesus Christ. |